Common Plant Name
The unofficial name by which a plant is known, e.g., Bitterroot. Can vary regionally.
Botanical Plant Name
The official (or Latin) name with the first name being genus and second species, e.g., Lewisia rediviva.
Common Family Name
The familiar name for the group which a plant belongs to. For example, Buttercup Family includes Delphiniums, Larkspurs, Columbines, Buttercups....
Botanical Family Name
The official (or Latin) name for the taxonomic rank just above genus and species.
Color & Shape
Start with the dominant color and icon shape that most closely matches the plant you are searching for. Color may vary by locale.
Photo Location
State and region selections where the photograph was taken. Plant may occur in other areas as well.
Images of landscapes that may or may not contain identifiable plants.
Clouds, sunsets, sunrises.
Insects, turtles, snakes, drought tolerant garden, etc.